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Manufacturers Index - Frank Pearn & Co., Ltd.

Frank Pearn & Co., Ltd.
West Gorton, Manchester, U.K.
Manufacturer Class: Metal Working Machinery

This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
189,120,498 Nov. 01, 1891 Machine for facing, turning, and boring William Alfred Pearn , England This patent was subsequently improved in patent 189,625,037, which is the only information we have on this patent: the latter patent mentions this patent as being improved upon, but to date we have not been able to find this patent online. Older British patents, especially those between about 1872 and 1900, are often not available online despite the patents of that era being particularly important in a variety of subjects including machine tools and electricity. The patent issue year is known but the exact patent issue date is a rough estimate.
    Machine for facing, turning, and boring Frank Pearn , England  
189,322,207 Oct. 20, 1894 Improvements in or applicable to steam or other pumps Thomas Addyman , England
    Improvements in or applicable to steam or other pumps Sinclair Pearn , England  
    Improvements in or applicable to steam or other pumps Frank Pearn , England  
189,408,120 Mar. 09, 1895 Improvements in machines or tools for drilling, tapping, and like purposes William Alfred Pearn , England "My invention refers to a machine tool for drilling, screw tapping or other purposes, and is intended to be used more especially for drilling holes in articles, for which purpose the ratchet hand drill has been hitherto generally employed, my improved tool being applicable for doing work for which no existing power drill machine can be used..."
189,416,996 Aug. 24, 1895 Improvements in filters or strainers, more particularly applicable for filtering or straining boiler feed water and lubricants in use, and in arrangements connected therewith Frank Pearn , England "My invention refers to a machine tool for drilling, screw tapping or other purposes, and is intended to be used more especially for drilling holes in articles, for which purpose the ratchet hand drill has been hitherto generally employed, my improved tool being applicable for doing work for which no existing power drill machine can be used..."
    Improvements in filters or strainers, more particularly applicable for filtering or straining boiler feed water and lubricants in use, and in arrangements connected therewith Albert Edward Seaton , England  
189,625,037 Oct. 16, 1897 Improvements in tools or machines for facing, turning, boring and otherwise cutting flanges on castings and for operating upon other articles Edward Greenwood Wrigley , England "Our improvements are made upon and combined with those for which Letters Patent were granted to two of us the said William Alfred Pearn and Frank Pearn No. 20498 of 1891 (189,120,498), and the present improvements refer mainly to mechanism to be combined with that described in the Complete Specification of the said Letters Patent for causing the speed of the cut to keep uniform or nearly so, whether the tool is cutting (as in facing flanges) in a small or large circle—in other words, it refers namely to mechanism for causing the cutting tool to have a slow speed of rotation for large diameters, and an increased speed for small diameters, automatically."
    Improvements in tools or machines for facing, turning, boring and otherwise cutting flanges on castings and for operating upon other articles Frank Pearn , England  
    Improvements in tools or machines for facing, turning, boring and otherwise cutting flanges on castings and for operating upon other articles William Alfred Pearn , England  
190,511,870 Mar. 01, 1906 Improvements in connection with machine tools for milling, facing, and cutting metals Frank Pearn , England "Machine tools for boring, facing, and milling, having vertically movable headstocks fitted with spindles carrying a faceplate which has an automatically traversed tool-holder, are driven by means of an endless belt without the intervention of toothed gearing, but back gear is provided for use if required. A' speed cone and pulley b, c, Figs. 1 and 2, drive a pulley e by belt d, passing over an idler i mounted on the headstock and a normally fixed pulley k carried by the framing, but adjustably mounted at n to take up stretch in the belt. The pulley e is mounted on a loose sleeve f, and can be bolted at t to a fast collar on the spindle for a direct drive, or can drive through disconnectible back gearing r and change gear v, w, x. The spindle is hollow, and contains a feed-spindle o geared to it at q and to the feed-screw p. The work is carried on a compound table on the bed."
    Improvements in connection with machine tools for milling, facing, and cutting metals William Alfred Pearn , England  
190,511,871 Mar. 29, 1906 Improvements in connection with direct acting steam pumps Sinclair Pearn , England
    Improvements in connection with direct acting steam pumps Frank Pearn , England  
190,714,922 May. 21, 1908 Improvements in machines for milling, facing, and other metal cutting operations Frank Pearn , England "In a machine of the type described in Specification No. 190,511,870, A.D. 1905, for milling, facing, boring; drilling, and like operations, the operative end of the headstock spindle carries a toothed wheel, to which a tool-holder is detachably connected and which may be driven from a back-gear. Power-operated means are also provided to give a quick movement to the work table and headstock. The headstock spindle a is driven from a pulley g, driven by a belt n from the main shaft at the bottom of the machine, the guide-pulleys h, i, Fig. 2; ensuring a large angle of contact. The pulley g is arranged between the bearings of the spindle, and drives the spindle direct or through the back-gear shaft d which is driven from pinions j or m. A pinion c on the shaft d drives a pinion b, connected to the spindle a and detachably connected to the tool carrier e. The quick -movement of table and headstock is obtained by depressing a foot-lever o, Fig. 5. This operates jockey wheels r, r' and drives pulleys q, q1 by a belt p from the main shaft of the machine. By means of a clutch q2, the shaft w is then driven, and from this shaft the feedscrew shafts 1a, 1 of the table and the feed-shaft 2a of the headstock are driven through a clutch z and gearing. The shaft w may also be driven from a hand-wheel s, which can be put out of action by sliding on its spindle to obviate danger when power feed is used. Ordinary slow movements can be obtained by driving the shaft w from a clutch-operated worm 4."
    Improvements in machines for milling, facing, and other metal cutting operations William Alfred Pearn , England  
941,269 Nov. 23, 1909 Machine for milling, facing, and other metal-cutting operations Frank Pearn , England
    Machine for milling, facing, and other metal-cutting operations William Alfred Pearn , England  
191,219,159 Apr. 17, 1913 Improvements in boring, facing, and like machines Frank Pearn , England "A boring and facing machine with a vertically adjustable head driven by belt or chain has an improved back-gear drive. The belt or chain wheel h is mounted on a sleeve g carrying pinions j, i which alternatively drive pinions r, s splined upon an axially movable back-shaft q. The axial movement allows the main-spindle e to be driven through pinions u, p at the front or through pinions t, o. The pinions r, s are moved relatively to the shaft q by a handle-operated rack bar w. The gear shown allows of four speeds, but this number may be increased by increasing the number of pinions upon the sleeve g. Specifications 190,511,870 and 191,019,367 are referred to."
    Improvements in boring, facing, and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England  
191,402,895 Oct. 01, 1914 Improvements in boring, facing, milling and like machine tools William Alfred Pearn , England "the slide on the rotary-tool head of a boring, facing, and milling machine carries an extension a, bolted after adjustment to vertical ways g, and carrying a pivoted arm e provided with a detachable out-board bearing e1 for the cutter arbor."
191,413,815 Jan. 28, 1915 Improvements relating to boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England "The rotary tool-heads of boring and facing machines, such as are described in Specification 191,219,159, have a special feed-motion. A worm on the central feed-spindle drives a worm-wheel e and, through a clutch, a spur-wheel g meshing with a pair of pinions h engaging a rack on the tool slide. When turning maximum diameters, only the outer pinion is operative. Tools of ordinary length may be employed, the shank passing clear of the worm-wheel."
191,413,816 Mar. 25, 1915 Improvements in boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England "Boring and facing machines of the kind described in Specification 191,219,159 have the rotary toolhead provided with a tapping-attachment. The tool slide is fed by a rack engaging pinions driven by a spur-wheel on a spindle movable axially to clutch the wheel to a worm-wheel driven by a worm on the central spindle b. When tapping, the clutch is thrown out and the slide is located in the correct position by a conical stop r. The end of the spindle b drives a screw m giving a hand feed, for starting, to the holder n, splined within the fixture p on the slide."
140,562 Apr. 01, 1920 Improvements in machine tools for drilling or cutting out templets William Alfred Pearn , England "A machine for producing templets comprises a transversely sliding tool-saddle d carrying the drill or other tool c, and a narrow templet-carrying bar b traversable axially of the machine and so disposed in the fixed table a that holes are not required in the templet at this position. Both saddle and carrier-bar have vernier scales for adjustment. Transverse bars of hard wood are fitted in the table under the path of the tool, so that the tools are not injured after the templet is perforated..."
160,602 Mar. 21, 1921 Improvements relating to boring bars William Alfred Pearn , England "A boring-bar adapted for producing taper or spherical surfaces is pivotally mounted at one end in a holder b adjustable on a rotating face-plate f and has a spherical collar c working in a correspondingly-shaped part in a steady e. The tool f is secured in a ring-shaped holder g having a nut engaged by a screwed spindle h carrying a spur-wheel j driven from a spur-wheel m on the boring-bar through the spur-wheel k. The latter is mounted in a frame z on an eccentric pin, which may be rotated to disengage the wheel k and allow the tool to be set by rotating the spindle h by hand. The frame z is prevented from rotating by a weight 2, and the gearing is so arranged that the rotation of the boring-bar produces a slow traverse of the tool. Spherical surfaces may be produced by the arrangement shown in Fig. 5, the movable member b being connected by a link v to a tool-holder t pivoted at u."
178,569 Apr. 20, 1922 Improvements in drilling machines William Alfred Pearn , England "A vertical drilling-machine comprises a column c provided with horizontal guides b at the upper end, on which the drilling head is adapted to slide. A rotatable table d is carried on a knee bracket e which is provided with T-slots and is mounted to permit of vertical and transverse adjustment on the column c. A change and reverse gear is mounted in the base of the vertical column and drives by belt and change gear 5 the horizontal shaft 4 which is geared to the drill-spindle a. Hand and power feed are provided, the latter being belt driven from the shaft 4 through change gearing 9. A spring counterbalance is provided for the spindle."
185,004 Aug. 31, 1922 Improved method of locking indexed work tables of machine tools William Alfred Pearn , England
189,352 Nov. 30, 1922 Improvements in jigs for facilitating drilling operations William Alfred Pearn , England "Jigs for drilling comprise a base plate d pivotally secured by a bolt to the machine table and T-slotted for clamping the work a between brackets b, c. Templets f are secured between the work and the brackets which may be spigoted to engage the work and permit axial rotation to bring parts such as j into position for drilling. The brackets have openings to permit all the holes to be drilled at the one setting, and in the example shown the brackets are connected by a tie bolt passing through the cylinder to be drilled. In other examples the jigs are described as set up for drilling pump barrels and valve boxes."
204,589 Oct. 04, 1923 Improvements in variable speed and reversing gearing Harold Walker Pearn , England See also Canada patent 239,508.
"Variable-speed gearing comprises an epicyclic train controlled by a variable-speed chain gear of known type. A driven casing h carries planet gears g, j meshing respectively with gears f, k upon shafts e, e1. The shaft e is driven from driving-shaft a through constant-speed chain pair d, b. The shaft e1 is driven from the shaft a through variable chain pair l, c the construction of which is no part of the invention."
212,965 Mar. 17, 1924 Improvements relating to boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England
213,952 Apr. 15, 1924 Improvements relating to boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England "In gearing as described in Specification 191,219,159 for rotating the mandrel of a boring and facing machine, a four speed arrangement is converted into a five speed arrangement. A pulley a, driven by a belt from a gear box in the base of the machine, is secured to a sleeve b which drives a gear wheel o on the face-plate through a counter-shaft from which four speeds are obtainable, the fifth speed being derived by locking the pulley to the mandrel c carrying the face-plate by means of a plunger e. Specification 189,925,589 also is referred to."
214,329 Apr. 22, 1924 Improvements relating to boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England "Relates to metal boring, facing &c. machines of the type in which a mandrel carrying a face plate across which a tool slide may be traversed, is provided with a tool spindle capable of sliding and rotating within the mandrel and consists in the mode of mounting the tool spindle. The tool spindle b has feathered thereon a bush q forming a cone journal in the mandrel a. The bush is seated in a ring r which is feathered in the mandrel and which may be adjusted endwise to take up wear by a nut s in gear with a pinion t on a key actuated spindle u."
239,508 Apr. 22, 1924 Variable speed and reversing gearing Harold Walker Pearn , England This is the Canadian equivalent of British patent 204,589.
220,904 Aug. 28, 1924 Improvements relating to boring, facing and like machines William Alfred Pearn , England "In a boring; facing, &c. machine of the type in which a mandrel carries a face-plate across which a tool-holder is adapted to be traversed and in which a boring &c. spindle having a combined rotary and sliding motion is disposed centrally within the mandrel, the spindle b carries a pinion f having clutch teeth for direct engagement with a clutch g on the mandrel a, the pinion being also adapted to be driven through a back gear comprising a pinion n and pinions o, p engaging alternatively with pinions i, j on the mandrel. A pulley e, rotated from a six or eight speed gear box (not shown) drives the mandrel through gearing as described in Specifications 191,219,159 and 213,952, and the mandrel is supported at each end in bearings c, d."
221,074 Sep. 04, 1924 Improvements relating to direct acting pumps and compressors Harold Walker Pearn , England
221,351 Sep. 11, 1924 Improvements in apparatus for raising liquids Harold Walker Pearn , England "In liquid-raising apparatus of the kind comprising a series of cups a on an endless flexible carrier b which moves through the liquid, an inverted cup d is combined with each cup a, the edge of the former lying within the edge of the latter, so that during the uptake of the filled cups the open end of the cups d are sealed by the liquid in the cups a. The cups may be threaded on the carrier by means of bosses c, e."
237,679 Aug. 06, 1925 Improvements relating to grinding and like machines or attachments William Alfred Pearn , England "A drilling-attachment for boring, facing, and like machines comprises a hollow spindle carrying a chuck and having thereon a pulley d. The hollow spindle runs en a spindle a bolted to the tool slide, b, and is driven by a belt e which passes round two pulleys f, g mounted on the headstock j. The belt also passes round a driven pulley m on the frame, and round a jockey-pulley carrying a weight o guided within a box p by keys and keyways. The headstock is adjustable up and down on the frame and the slide b is adjustable on the face-plate k to allow of operation on work of various dimensions."
249,682 Apr. 01, 1926 Improvements relating to speed reduction gearing Harold Walker Pearn , England "n chain epicyclic reduction gearing a driving pulley, chain-wheel, &c. a concentric with the driven shaft b carries a pair of integral planetary sprockets f, g engaged by chains passing also over a sprocket d secured to the shaft b and a stationary sprocket c concentric therewith. The construction shown effects a low-speed reverse drive. A counterweight o is provided in the wheel, which may contain oil."
256,811 Aug. 19, 1926 Improvements relating to feed water heaters Bernard Stephenson , England
258,113 Sep. 16, 1926 Improvements in variable speed gearing Harold Walker Pearn , England "Variable-speed gearing comprises an epicyclic train with a non-variable sun-and-planet chain pair f, and a variable sun-and-planet chain pair h, e. The carrier a of the planets drives, and the shaft g of the sprocket f is driven. The variable chain pair h, e may be of any suitable type, such as the type described in Specification 228,838. The wedging action of the chain on the left-hand movable flanges of the expanding chain pulleys e, h shown is balanced upon an intermediately pivoted lever m and control is effected to vary the speed by a lever j. A clutch q, r is provided for connecting a sleeve i carrying the sun gear h to the shaft g for solid high-speed driving. A brake o, p arrests this sleeve while the pair e, h is being varied for reduced forward speeds and reversed driving. This clutch and brake are brought in alternatively by a control lever n."
259,064 Oct. 07, 1926 Improvements relating to boring and facing machines Harry Alfred Pearn , England "In a boring and facing machine of the kind comprising a rotary head carrying a traversed facing tool and a central boring bar coaxial with the facing head, and having a facing tool box which is provided with an adjustable tool-holder so that the tool may be reset to take a fresh cut without moving the work, the toolbox a carries two tool holders c, d, which are secured by a single wedge g operated by a screw g1 and engaging the inclined sides e, # of the holders. On releasing the wedge, the tools may be adjusted by means of screws y which engage segmental nut portions of the tool-holders and are provided with indicating means m. The tools are clamped in position by screws p."
261,551 Nov. 25, 1926 Improvements relating to boring and facing machines Harry Alfred Pearn , England
273,113 Jun. 30, 1927 Improvements relating to calorifiers Bernard Stephenson , England "A calorifier b is provided with two separate sets of tubes connecting a divided header a with a floating head f, one set being for live steam and the other for exhaust steam. The inlets and outlets for the two sets are connected to the header a."
275,419 Aug. 11, 1927 Improvements relating to boring and facing machines Harry Alfred Pearn , England "In boring and facing-machines of the kind in which a rotary facing head having a tool slide traversed thereon is adapted to be raised or lowered for adjusting the head or for milling-operations and in which the work-tables are provided with longitudinal and transverse traversing-motions, a gear box is combined with the rising and falling headstock and imparts feed motions to the facing tool slide, the work-tables and the rising and falling headstock..."
275,514 Aug. 11, 1927 Improvements relating to vertical shaft couplings Harold Walker Pearn , England "Couplings for the sections b of vertical pump shafts &c. comprise a sleeve a and transverse cotter pins d engaging the parts a, b, their ends abutting against an enclosing-ring e. Keys c may additionally be employed."
288,949 Apr. 19, 1928 Improvements relating to reciprocating pumps Harold Walker Pearn , England "The outer face of the piston a of a pump is sealed by liquid in a hopper g at the open end of the cylinder. The sealing liquid and the liquid in the pump chamber d have access to the inner faces of the piston rings through passages h. In the case of a vertical pump the sealing liquid is in the open end of the barrel above the piston."
322,120 Nov. 28, 1929 Improvements relating to centrifugal pumps Harold Walker Pearn , England
328,475 May. 01, 1930 Improvements relating to horizontal boring and facing machines Harry Alfred Pearn , England
340,134 Dec. 24, 1930 Improvements relating to pumps Ernest Williams , England
386,048 Jan. 12, 1933 Improvements in and relating to direct acting pumps Harold Walker Pearn , England
456,179 Nov. 04, 1936 Improvements in or relating to the coupling together of shafts and pump rods Harold Walker Pearn , England "The coupling flange c of a rotary or reciprocating pump rod a is secured thereto by fusion-welding at the jointing face, preferably electrically. The fused metal e, f is deposited in grooves formed in the rod or flange or both by oxyacetylene flame or by machining. The grooves may be undercut or as shown."
499,981 Feb. 01, 1939 Improvements relating to pump valves Harold Walker Pearn , England
524,628 Aug. 12, 1940 Improvements relating to stuffing boxes for shafts or spindles Harold Walker Pearn , England