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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Other Maker

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: No.3 Atlas
Submitted By: Bob Berghorst
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Horse Hair Picker
Date of Manufacturer: Early 1900's
Serial Number: 56215.1047
Last Updated 8/16/2013 2:02:21 PM

Although not exactly a woodworking machine, the use of horse hair and the "pickers" were a vital part of the furniture industry. When horses were still the favored means of transportation, the long hairs from the mane and tail were used to stuff cushions. Horse hair pickers were used to pull-out and separate these long hairs from the rest of short hairs and other matter that came from the slaughter houses. My understanding is that the U.S. House of Representatives still maintains a horse hair picker to periodically "fluff" the stuffing (horse hair) in their upholstered chairs. This machine was in Baker Furniture's Grand Rapids Factory. After about five years of trying to convince them to part with it, they finally relented and sold it to me a few years back.

Photo 1:

Comments: Pulling drum and conveyor
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Photo 2:

Comments: Drum cover in place
Source: Self
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Photo 3:

Comments: Conveyor clutch
Source: self
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Photo 4:

Comments: Hair pulling drum (OSSA approved)
Source: self
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Photo 5:

Comments: Horse hair
Source: Self
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