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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Greenlee Brothers & Co.
Chicago, IL and Rockford, IL

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Table Saw
Machine Size: 14" table saw
Submitted By: Jeff Behan
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Dado Arbor Extention
Date of Manufacturer: unknown
Serial Number:
Last Updated 10/7/2005 12:00:00 AM

Acquired in box of goodies from pattern shop,was told it fits Greenlee tablesaw.Looks like it was never used,light surface rust,no pitting.Hope Jeff McVey will take a look
to tell if it is for his tablesaw.The shaft has two small key ways about 3/4"long by
1/8" deep.The shaft is straight for 1"and 3/16ths then tapers for 1".The locking nut is made out of brass and is 1" and 1/8th thick.The tread area is 2" and 1/4 across and about 1/2" deep.They appear to be NF treads.The saw blade collar is pressed on with a key way.The arbor is 1" by 4" long.The guy I bought the box of goodies from told me that
there should be an Oliver dado arbor in the box.I found an Oliver arbor that is of standard size, so I'm guessing that the dado arbor is still on the saw.The pattern shop
was closed down about ten years ago and everything was put in semi trailers for storage.
I will be crawling thur these with flash light in the next couple of days.Opening door on one trailer and staring at me was a Putum Pattern Makers gap bed,Oliver Pattern Maker
lathe(10'between centers)Oliver 30" Disc sander.Can't wait to get inside.

Photo 1:

Comments: Dado Arbor
Source: myself
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Photo 2:

Comments: Dado Arbor
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Photo 3:

Comments: Dado Arbor
Source: myself
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