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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
Smart & Brown (Engineers), Ltd.
London, England

True Manufacturer:
Smart & Brown (Engineers), Ltd., London, England
Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Metal Working Machinery
Machine Type: Lathe, Metal
Machine Size: 9" x 20"
Submitted By: T. Wagler
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: Model A Mark 1 Precision Surfacing & Screwcutting Lathe
Date of Manufacturer: 1958
Serial Number: n/a
Last Updated 1/6/2023 12:40:11 PM

I just noticed that there is an entry for Smart & Brown (Engineers) Ltd. in the Manufacturers Index that was sitting all lonely with no pictures or other content included. I happen to own a Smart and Brown metal lathe, so thought I would fill the information gap by uploading a few pictures. I purchased this machine from the Canadian government surplus auction site (Ottawa, Canada) back in 2016. It is in pretty decent shape, only lightly used in a Canadian Armed Forces maintenance shop (although someone did crash the back gearing pretty badly at some point). It is typical British engineering - well made, but overly complicated,

Photo 1:

Comments: Obligatory "unloading in the driveway" photo
Source: personal photl
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Photo 2:

Comments: Side view, front
Source: personal photo
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Photo 3:

Comments: Apron
Source: personal photo
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Photo 4:

Comments: Tailstock
Source: personal photo
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Photo 5:

Comments: End view
Source: personal photo
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Photo 6:

Comments: Bearing, back gear
Source: personal photo
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