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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
American Wood Working Machinery Co.
Rochester, NY; Williamsport, PA; Montgomery, PA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Other
Machine Size: 8'
Submitted By: Don H
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: American Door Clamp
Date of Manufacturer: 1900-1910 (?)
Serial Number: 916033 (View SN Registry Entry)
Last Updated 5/4/2011 10:51:54 PM

I can't remember where I got this. Hand wheels adjust the rails and the foot pedal put the major squeeze on. Very powerful. Useful for sash as well. Has an iron clamp which puts the squeeze on the muntins when necessary. Every woodworker should have one of these. Large dogs are for doors. Usually double up for bottom rails. Lighter dogs in the rack for blinds or sash.

Photo 1:

Comments: rails and six door dogs
Source: owner
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Photo 2:

Comments: handwheels move the far rail, foot pedal for the big squeeze, foot lever on right release
Source: owner
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Photo 3:

Comments: machine at work with six sash or blind dogs in place
Source: owner
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Photo 4:

Comments: Clamp set up for four panel doors. Muntin squeezer in its brackets.
Source: owner
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Photo 5:

Comments: Clamp used with sash attachments
Source: owner
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