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Machinery Photo Index
Manufactured/Badged by:
American Wood Working Machinery Co.
Rochester, NY; Williamsport, PA; Montgomery, PA

Machine Specifications
Machine Class: Wood Working Machinery
Machine Type: Tenoning Machine
Machine Size:
Submitted By: Don H
Machine Specifications
Description/Model: American (Houston) Single End Tenoner
Date of Manufacturer: 1897-1905?
Serial Number: 53759
Last Updated 8/30/2012 11:45:28 PM

The second of two acquired at the liquidation of a planing mill. This differs from the other in that the heads have round tapered rather than square tapered spur side clamps. The main drive pulley on the tail shaft has been replaced with a wood split pulley and the tight/loose pulleys are long gone.
Of note, the tenoning heads run at 2700 RPM.

Machine running: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XX6Djw5JQs&feature=plcp

Photo 1:

Comments: Compound rolling table, original wrenches, slack adjuster.
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Photo 2:

Comments: Coping heads and cut off saw, countershaft for coping heads (not belted here)
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Photo 3:

Comments: handed pairs of tenoning knives. Double heads for 7" tenons. Only the outside head knived in this application.
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Photo 4:

Comments: upper cope spindle, in out, up down, but rides with the upper tenonning head yoke
Source: owner
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Photo 5:

Comments: cut off saw spindle adjusts laterally through the pulley and near bearing with distant lever. turns fast and effectively limits the speed the other heads.
Source: owner
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